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Bruxism - Teeth Clenching & Grinding Awareness
Sunday 22nd October 2017
Bruxism is the technical term for the habit of grinding and clenching your teeth. Most people will do this from time to time and it does not usually cause any harm. However if you grind your teeth on a regular basis, it can cause significant damage to your teeth and make any gum disease worse. In some cases it can also cause or aggravate headaches, or pain and discomfort in the jaw. Bruxism is usually a subconscious behaviour performed whilst one is asleep and can cause facial pain and headaches. It is commonly caused by anxiety. Left untreated, it often gives rise to poor quality sleep and damaged teeth. Bruxism may lead to a variety of problems. Excessive grinding can damage teeth and dental fillings, often resulting in loose or broken teeth and crack-lines in teeth which results in further complications and possible tooth extraction. It can cause the outer enamel of the teeth to slowly wear away, leading to tooth sensitivity. It can cause jaw dysfunction, headaches (particularly morning headaches), and pain in the muscles of the face: bruxing causes the muscles to be overactive, giving rise to these symptoms. It can cause inflammation of the temporo-mandibular joint. Noisy tooth grinding may disturb your sleep - or your partner's!. Do not hesitate to contact BrightSmile Clinic if you experience any of the signs of bruxism, consult your dentist who will carry out an examination of your mouth with special attention to your jaw and your bite. Tags: tooth decay, gum disease, teeth clenching, tooth grinding, teeth grinding, bruxism, tooth clenching, teeth sensitivity, tooth sensitivity, enamel damage, tooth damage, teeth damage, cracked teeth, chipped teeth, Worn Enamel, Fatigued Jaw, Face pain, Jaw Pain, Referred Ear Pain, mouth guard Categories: General Dentistry News |
Posted by Bright Smile Clinic at 11:42